Welcome to August 2024! Our resident spirituality and holistic wellness advisor, Kelly Lightworker is here to help shine some light on this emotionally intense (but potentially rewarding) month, with an overview of notable astrological aspects in July and a one-card draw for each zodiac sign.
August 2024 is dominated by the Mercury retrograde in two signs: starting in Virgo from 5 to 15 August, then in Leo from 15 to 29 August. Retrogrades occur when a planet appears to orbit backwards. Mercury rules tech, communication and travel: when it is in retrograde, there could be a slightly higher risk of miscommunications, tech issues, and unexpected developments while travelling. No worries, however: mindfulness and preparation go a long way in ensuring a positive Mercury retrograde.
A New Moon in Leo on 4 August encourages us to explore individual potential: set your intentions for personal greatness. On 14 August, Mars forms a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini, boosting our collective luck for business and career breakthroughs. A well-calculated gamble on this day could pay off handsomely. On 20 August, a Full Moon in Aquarius encourages us to celebrate the ways we elevate our community. This Full Moon forms a tense square with Uranus, so an unexpected revelation might surprise some of us. Soon enough, the Sun enters Virgo on 22 August and ushers in a season of earthy, practical energies. August ends on a flirty note when romantic Venus enters partnership-minded Libra on 29 August. On the same day, Mercury stations direct in Leo, ending its retrograde—and we can all heave a sigh of relief!
Here are the Tarot cards for each zodiac sign in August 2024. Read for your Sun, Moon and rising signs to get your own unique three-card Tarot reading for the month!
ARIES: Page Of Wands

Watch out for exciting developments on the horizon, dear Aries. With the Page of Wands to guide you, keep your heart and mind open. Innovative business ideas, fun creative projects, and exciting new adventures could beckon. Someone around you who’s young, or young at heart, could play a role in events – their zest for life could be inspirational. Some of you might be receiving good news regarding career. Chin up!
TAURUS: Four Of Pentacles, reversed

If there’s one zodiac sign that desires stability above all else it would be you, dear Taurus – but you are also wise, and you know that growth loves a learning curve. This month, get ready to release old assumptions and the things you thought you knew. New knowledge, perspectives and information are on their way to empower you, and to get you ready for the next cycle of your life. Please watch your spending: an unexpected bill could arrive.
GEMINI: Ace Of Wands, reversed

This month, what appears to be a wonderful opportunity could come to you, dear Gemini. Conduct your due diligence and manage your expectations should you choose to take up this opportunity. Mercury, your ruling planet, is in retrograde for most of the month – make sure you take timeouts and get ample rest. Also, take your time with decisions, and be patient. Know that slow starts can still lead to great outcomes.
CANCER: Two Of Pentacles

If you have been hoping and praying for an additional income stream, a promotion or reward at work, and/or some way in which your prospects are taken up a level – this month could bring you good news, dear Cancer. A proffered opportunity could require you to take up extra responsibilities (at least temporarily). Despite its potentially intimidating nature, you are likely to succeed should you take up the challenge.
LEO: Ace Of Cups

Dear Leo, this month overflows with the potential of a new beginning that could grant you joy, healing, and deep fulfilment. It could come in the form of a new person, partnership or situation that both nurtures and inspires you. If the past few months have felt heavy and hectic, developments this month could lead to a happy breakthrough if you are willing. A day off to relax and nourish your soul will work wonders.
VIRGO: Queen Of Wands

This month, dear Virgo, stay in your power. With the Queen of Wands to back you up, embrace your inner lion or lioness. Initiatives you take this month are likely to succeed, so be confident in your abilities. This Queen can also represent a helpful advisor in your life. Run your plans by them and mindfully consider their input: Mercury, your ruling planet, is in retrograde so it’s good to double-check. No worries: you are likely to excel.
LIBRA: Six Of Swords, reversed

Face your challenges head-on, dear Libra, and you will prevail. This month, your efforts at moving forward to live your best life will ultimately meet with success, but not before some issues arise that could temporarily stall your transitions. Nevertheless, your sharp and tactical mind will devise the right strategies to overcome your obstacles. Your key to victory lies in discerning the right times to persist, to adapt, and/or to wait.
SCORPIO: The Lovers, reversed

So many paths in life for you to choose from, dear Scorpio – but not all that glitters is gold. This month, a situation might arise where you could either be fighting hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, or you could be tasked to make challenging choices. Look beneath surface appearances and you will discover the truth. Some people and/or relationships in your life might come to a crossroads and require a careful review.

This month could see you making good progress on a work project, creative venture or personal endeavour, dear Sagittarius – and the way ahead looks promising. Keep making good choices, and you could have many accomplishments to celebrate in the future. Consistency is key. Tap on your networks, both personal and professional, and the people around you could prove very helpful along your journey to success.
CAPRICORN: Ace Of Swords

Dear Capricorn, the fog is lifting for you after months of complexity, and your mental clarity now is unparalleled. Whatever plans you have made or are about to make, be clear about what you want to achieve, and know that you have what it takes to manifest your goals. This month, stay open-minded and curious: the seeds of a productive new cycle could be planted at this time. Pursue your path and ignore all distractions.
AQUARIUS: Nine Of Swords, reversed

Something that had caused you anxiety is beginning to unravel and lose its influence over you, dear Aquarius. You are moving towards a place of deeper understanding of what needs to happen for you to achieve your goals. This month’s Full Moon in your sign could reveal something that will give you the resilience you need to keep moving forward. Implement a healthy sleep routine to rejuvenate your energies.
PISCES: King of Cups, reversed

Dear Pisces, you could be facing a situation this month where someone around you (possibly in a position of influence or authority) could play a role in making you feel a little off-kilter. Nevertheless, hold on to your beautiful, authentic connection to who you are and what you stand for. Master your emotional states, don’t let other people’s feelings affect your own, and let your inner light be your guide.
Kelly Tan is a natural-born psychic medium and channel, energy healer, tarot consultant and animal communicator. A priestess for the 21st century, Kelly’s principal divinity is the Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin. Kelly is also a life coach and therapist. Trusted by the world’s leading names, Kelly has collaborated with the Formula One Singapore Grand Prix, Bentley, Dior, and Belmond (the Eastern & Oriental Express), amongst many other well-loved luxury brands. Connect with Kelly via her website, Facebook or Instagram.
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