Topaz Winters On Possibilities, Joy, And Excitement

"I’m excited about taking up as much abundant, expansive space as possible in a world that expects me to fit into a single box."
Topaz Winters On Possibilities, Joy, And Excitement
Topaz Winters, the linguistic multi-hyphenate believes in taking agency of your own body by focusing on what truly makes you feel good. Photo Credit: @topazwinters

I never considered beauty an accessible avenue of self-expression as it struck me as belonging to people who were prettier, cooler or more stylish than I was. I avoided beauty for most of my childhood as a defence mechanism, a sort of rebellion against the expectation to be “traditionally feminine” that runs rampant in many South Asian families.

Personally, I have large tattoos, a septum ring and long nails; I love a dirty martini and a dirty joke. I’m excited about taking up as much abundant, expansive space as possible in a world that expects me to fit into a single box based on what it reads about me on the page.

I blossomed when I stopped taking beauty advice from people who didn’t look like me. I found that when I did so, the beauty world opened and felt less like an obligation and more like a possibility.

There’s a sense of joy and power in letting go of the standards you see around you and focusing on the things that excite you creatively and make you feel most beautiful instead. We should not be foreigners in our own bodies.”

Below, Topaz Winters shares her beauty inspirations.