Your Monthly Horoscope For October Is Here!

Here’s what the stars have in store for you this Libra and Scorpio season
Illustration by Marisa Xin.

October 2024 is here! Our resident spirituality and holistic wellness advisor, Kelly Lightworker is here to help shine some light on this month’s energies, with an overview of notable astrological aspects and a one-card draw for each zodiac sign.

October begins with a bang! Mark 3rd October in your calendars and try to arrange some me-time, a self-care session, or a day off if you can. The early morning sees a solar eclipse and new moon in Libra. Eclipses act as cosmic reset buttons in our lives. This time, the focus will be on our partnerships: are they fair, beautiful, harmonious? Embrace what uplifts; say au revoir to struggling partnerships. Later in the afternoon, the Sun conjuncts moody asteroid Lilith. Important conversations held around this time could achieve great breakthroughs—or spiral out of control.

If deep, soul-searching conversations are your thing, you are going to love the period of 12th to 14th October. Chiron, another asteroid known as the ‘wounded healer’, forms a sextile with expansive Jupiter (both in retrograde) on the 12th before forming a tense square with warlike Mars on the 14th. Meanwhile, communicative Mercury also moves into brooding Scorpio on the 14th. Incidents arising around this time could present opportunities for inner healing and authentic self-awareness. Celebrate your personal growth on 17th October with the full moon in individualistic Aries. On the same day, loving Venus forms a sextile with transformative Pluto. Anew romance kindled around this time could become a hot and sexy encounter, but with Venus entering adventurous Sagittarius the next day on the 18th, don’t expect a commitment—at least, not yet.

Energies shift once more when the Sun enters intense Scorpio on the 23rd; Libra’s desire for balance transmutes into Scorpio’s yearning for authenticity. The month ends with action-oriented Mars forming a trine with imaginative Neptune on the 28th. Turn your dreams into reality, especially if those dreams can benefit the collective. Let’s make the world a better place, darlings.

Here are the Tarot cards for each zodiac sign in October 2024. Read for your Sun, Moon and rising signs to get your own unique three-card Tarot reading for the month!

ARIES: The Emperor, reversed

Eleanor Roosevelt once famously said: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Dear Aries, if you’ve been feeling not so great about yourself lately, this is your reminder to take back your power! This card can also represent someone who struggles with issues of control and responsibility. They could impact your life this month—all the more you will need to set strong boundaries, and keep your power with you.

TAURUS: The World

Here’s what the stars have in store for your horoscope this Libra and Scorpio season, with this three-card tarot reading

This month, dear Taurus, a cycle of growth and change comes to a close. You are getting ready to graduate from the current learning curve, and to take your life to a higher level of fulfilment. Success and recognition are coming to you—you could be celebrating an achievement, and you completely deserve it! If you have been thinking of travelling, this card indicates that your trip will be a refreshing and rejuvenating experience.

GEMINI: Page of Wands, reversed

Keep your friends and your enemies closer, dear Gemini. Not everyone can play that game, but strategy is second nature to you—so long as you keep your secrets well! This month, keep a sharp eye out for people around you who could be bearing petty grudges or projecting their own insecurities onto you. Nip their agendas in the bud, and you could turn back a development that might otherwise grow into a future problem.

CANCER: The Hanged Man

Here’s what the stars have in store for your horoscope this Libra and Scorpio season, with this three-card tarot reading

The Hanged Man in the Tarot encourages us to be willing and able to look at things in a different way. Dear Cancer, your strong will and loyal heart tend to shape your perspectives and decisions, making you appear obstinate—but what you really are is wholehearted. This month, mindfully exercise an almost playful detachment from your circumstances, and contemplate the diverse ways you can achieve your goals.

LEO: Four of Cups

Here’s what the stars have in store for your horoscope this Libra and Scorpio season, with this three-card tarot reading

Dear Leo, take time out this month for meditation, quietness, and being in nature. Doing so could do wonders for your spirits and your peace of mind. With the Four of Cups, you could be facing a situation characterised by a lack of momentum or a lack of choice. While it’s not impossible that solutions exist, you might not be completely convinced that they could help. Time spent on your own could rejuvenate your own creativity.

VIRGO: Queen of Cups

This month presents deeply healing opportunities for spiritual and emotional growth, dear Virgo. Seeking peace of mind? Spend time near water by yourself; alternatively, seek counsel from a trusted mentor or advisor in your life. The Queen of Cups can represent a person around you, usually a mature woman or a woman in a position of authority, whose wisdom can help lift your spirits and give you profound clarity.

LIBRA: Ten of Pentacles, reversed

Here’s what the stars have in store for your horoscope this Libra and Scorpio season, with this three-card tarot reading

This month’s solar eclipse falls in your sign, dear Libra, so be prepared for change. The reversed Ten of Pentacles indicates that plans (especially for career or finances) could meet with challenges. Be very careful with investments this month. Other Libras might contend with issues related to family, property, and/or money. Stay strong and positive; roll with the punches. These changes serve to declutter and bring in new blessings.

SCORPIO: Ace of Pentacles, reversed

A new opportunity could beckon, dear Scorpio, but you will need to adjust your expectations before you can fully benefit from what it offers. Alternatively, you could be facing a situation that seems promising but might run into delays, changes and setbacks. Patience will serve you well here. Having said all this, however: if an opportunity proves too disappointing, let go and wait for something better.

SAGITTARIUS: Five of Swords, reversed

Here’s what the stars have in store for your horoscope this Libra and Scorpio season, with this three-card tarot reading

The Five of Swords is one of the cards in the Tarot that is better to receive reversed. This month, dear Sagittarius, you could be benefiting greatly from a choice to walk away from a fight not worth having. A decision that you doubted earlier could turn out to be the choice that saves the day. Now, you are free to regroup, rejuvenate your life force and plan your next steps. Channel your energies productively and move on.

CAPRICORN: The High Priestess, reversed

Here’s what the stars have in store for your horoscope this Libra and Scorpio season, with this three-card tarot reading

Dear Capricorn, now is the time to trust the still, small voice of your intuition. Turn inwards and connect to your inner wisdom. You could be surrounded by many well-intentioned people offering advice, but make sure you heed the counsel that resonates with your truth. Sometimes, this card can represent an untrustworthy advisor or a false teacher. Evaluate all information you receive before making important choices.

AQUARIUS: Eight of Swords

Could you be feeling stuck in recent times, dear Aquarius? Do you feel that you lack the confidence or the information to move forward in a situation? Perhaps you feel that you have been taken for granted. If so, the Eight of Swords offers good news: this card indicates that much of the suffering you perceive is imaginary, and is based on your own anxieties over the unknown. It’s time to get out of your own way and move forward!

PISCES: Page of Swords

Here’s what the stars have in store for your horoscope this Libra and Scorpio season, with this three-card tarot reading

This is a good month to consider your options, ask the right questions, and make plans. With the Page of Swords, you stand to gain when you choose to learn something new. Be open to adopting new mindsets or even communication styles in dealing with certain matters. This card also advises mental detachment when making significant decisions this month. Post updates wisely: someone could be spying on your socials.

Kelly Tan is a natural-born psychic medium and channel, energy healer, tarot consultant and animal communicator. A priestess for the 21st century, Kelly’s principal divinity is the Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin. Kelly is also a life coach and therapist. Trusted by the world’s leading names, Kelly has collaborated with the Formula One Singapore Grand Prix, Bentley, Dior, and Belmond (the Eastern & Oriental Express), amongst many other well-loved luxury brands. Connect with Kelly via her website, Facebook or Instagram.


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