Venus–ruler of beauty, love and money—makes some bold moves at the start of the month. 2 February sees Venus in conjunction with imaginative Neptune in Pisces: it’s wonderful to be inspired by creative ideas for romance, so long as a close eye is kept on the budget. 4 February is when our collective ante is switched up: Venus enters a conjunction with the North Node in fiery Aries, boosting our chances of developing a once-in-a-lifetime connection and/or achieving personal goals. Love at first sight? Extreme makeover? Yes, please. Expansive Jupiter also stations direct on this day, adding a sprinkle of good luck to our endeavours. Speaking of luck—if there’s an important meeting you need to have, the personable Sun conjuncts chatty Mercury in Aquarius on 9 February, setting the stage for effective communication.
The Full Moon in Leo on 12 February encourages heartfelt self-expression: take a bold and playful approach to things, and all will go well. This day also marks the 15th day of the lunar calendar, when Lunar New Year celebrations conclude and (according to Chinese tradition) singles carry out various rituals to bring in a life partner. It’s a great build-up to Valentine’s Day: Mercury also joins Neptune in soft-hearted Pisces on 14 February, making this day an especially dreamy celebration of love. 18 February sees the start of Pisces season, and suddenly everyone’s a little more intuitive. Good news arrives in the morning of 24 February: Mars stations direct after a 2.5-month retrograde. It’s back to business for all, and work endeavours can now proceed with fewer issues. The month ends on a high with a New Moon in Pisces on 28 February, when a new cycle of spiritual growth can begin.
Here are the Tarot cards for each zodiac sign in February 2025. Read for your Sun, Moon and rising signs to get your own unique three-card Tarot reading for the month!
ARIES: The Empress

Dear Aries, things could get exciting for you this month! The Empress is a positive omen of abundance, creativity and growth. If you’ve been trying for a baby, good news could be on its way. A woman in your life could play a role in how things develop—this woman is a source of love, guidance, and support, and must be protected at all costs. Self-care is also indicated when The Empress appears, so book your spa appointments now.
TAURUS: Knight of Cups

Dear Taurus, are you the warrior of love we’ve all been waiting for? This month’s energies encourage you to take inspired, heart-driven action. The Knight of Cups is your role model for how you wish to proceed. Be it a person, a project or a personal passion, you will win the day so long as you move forward boldly with your heart on your sleeve. An attractive offer could come your way this month—stay open to possibilities.
GEMINI: Knight of Swords

Dear Gemini, this month will provide you with ample opportunities to demonstrate your charm and intellect. The Knight of Swords indicates that you could be facing a situation where clearing the air would help. Get your point across with your native wit, candour and precision. Someone might make excuses—it’s up to you whether you’ll accept them. Ultimately, your commitment to clarity will win you respect and success.
CANCER: The Chariot, reversed

Feeling slightly off-kilter this month, dear Cancer? Know this too shall pass. The Chariot in reverse could represent a situation where you feel you’re doing the best you can, but things are going nowhere fast. When this card appears, you are likely feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities and other stressful matters. Step back and take some time to rest, reset and regroup. A new strategy could help you get back on track.
LEO: The Tower

This will be an exciting month for you, Leo! With the Full Moon in your sign, something could be revealed that brings important information to light. This revelation could facilitate a profound shift in the ways you’ve seen yourself and your world. With The Tower to guide you in February, an opportunity for growth beckons. Seek out creative solutions, always speak your truth, and open your heart to embrace the future.
VIRGO: Wheel of Fortune

Lucky you, dear Virgo—your card is the Wheel of Fortune, indicating great blessing in your ventures this month. Expect a slightly higher chance of winning something at the races or the lottery, if you’re into such pursuits. In matters of the heart, you could be meeting someone with a special connection to your soul. Make good choices, keep your karmic slate clean, and may the Wheel of Fortune always spin in your favour.
LIBRA: The High Priestess

The High Priestess blesses you this month, dear Libra. You could be facing a situation where you will do well to trust your intuition and keep your secrets. Spend time on your own to breathe, meditate and tune in to your inner wisdom. Great change is coming, and you will be ready for it. This card can also represent a mentor figure around you who could provide much-needed guidance to a complex situation you’re handling.
SCORPIO: Three of Cups, reversed

No one in the zodiac discerns authenticity like you do, dear Scorpio, and your card for this month asks you to tap on your gift once more. The reversed Three of Cups reminds you that someone around you might not be aligned with your values. You desire and deserve true friends—a culling of the social circle will bring you relief. A situation you’re facing requires a closer look at hidden details: your success depends on this.
SAGITTARIUS: Eight of Wands

Itching to travel again, dear Sagittarius? The Eight of Wands blesses your travel plans with great experiences and smooth transits. Just keep an eye on your budget. At work, this card portends quick developments, success and productive results. You could be chatting with multiple romantic prospects, and/or a particular connection could be progressing rapidly. Sexual escapades also beckon—play hard and play safe!
CAPRICORN: The Emperor

With The Emperor to guide you this month, dear Capricorn, you’ll be conscious of power and how it plays out in your life. A situation you’re facing could call on you to stand in your power. Make good choices that favour stability over risk. This month, you could be meeting with someone in a position of authority. This person is likely to favour you: turn up well-dressed and well-prepared for the occasion, and you could gain a worthy ally.
AQUARIUS: Four of Wands

Dear Aquarius! Your hard work will bear good fruit. With the Four of Wands cheering you on, your only task is to persevere. February is also mostly Aquarius season, and celebrations are certainly indicated in this card. Life is a constant work in progress, and with your native resilience, you will certainly succeed. Decisions made regarding property this month are likely to prosper—watch out for the details.
PISCES: Eight of Swords

With the Eight of Swords this month, dear Pisces, recognise your challenges for what they are—mostly figments of your own imagination. This month, demonstrate kindness to yourself by taking a cool-headed, objective look at the situations you could be facing. Understand that you don’t need perfect solutions to move forward: sometimes, just taking the first step forward will take you out of those ruts and into a beautiful future.
Kelly Tan is a natural-born psychic medium and channel, energy healer, tarot consultant and animal communicator. A priestess for the 21st century, Kelly’s principal divinity is the Goddess of Mercy, Guan Yin. Kelly is also a life coach and therapist. Trusted by the world’s leading names, Kelly has collaborated with the Formula One Singapore Grand Prix, Bentley, Dior, and Belmond (the Eastern & Oriental Express), amongst many other well-loved luxury brands. Connect with Kelly via her website, Facebook or Instagram.
This story first appeared in the February 2025 issue of GRAZIA Singapore.
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