This Valentine’s Day, GRAZIA Singapore speaks to three couples in Singapore to discover what happy ever after looks like in a modern relationship. Below, explore the modern-day romance of celebrity host and Mediacorp personality Sonia Chew and Jeremy Sng, who is the general manager at a fintech firm. The couple, who recently got engaged, talk about the most thoughtful things they have done for each other, and discuss how some of their cute daily rituals have helped their relationship blossom over the years.
GRAZIA Singapore (GS): How did you both first meet?
Sonia Chew (SC): This is such a unique story, to say the least. We met on board a cruise ship. I was hired to host a 4D3N voyage called “The YOLO Cruise”, which was an initiative by a government agency to allow singles to meet each other. He happened to be part of the events team—he was volunteering on the cruise, to help his friend’s events company. I feel like our worlds would have never collided if not for this unusual, chance encounter.
GS: What’s something your partner said or did during your first meeting that you still remember?
SC: I feel like he was definitely trying to strike up a conversation over the first couple of days, and aside from his opening line, which was “Hey you must be the DJ!”, he actually casually walked up to my friend and me by the poolside one afternoon and asked, “Could you take care of my bag while I go for a swim?”, to which our answer was actually… “Sorry, no!”
Jeremy Sng (JS): Honestly I wasn’t planning on picking her up, but I did say something like “Hey, you must the DJ that everyone is talking about…”. Thinking back, if it was a pick-up line, it is kind of lame but I was just honestly intrigued to meet someone like her who is in a different field and I was curious to learn more about her.
GS: If you hadn’t met the way you did, where else do you think your paths might have crossed?
JS: Outside of this unique opportunity, I think the chances of us meeting are very low. We didn’t have many mutual friends and our lifestyles aren’t really the same, so even if there was an off-chance we met in a club, it would have been hard to chat. Maybe one possible chance meeting would be lining up behind her in a cai-fan queue, noticing that we were picking similar dishes!
GS: Did you tell anyone about your partner after that first meeting? What did you say?
SC: I brought one of my close friends with me for the cruise. I didn’t even need to say anything to her. I gave her a look, which she registered as me being somewhat interested in him, and she immediately said, “Stop it, I know he’s your type.”
JS: Yes, I mentioned to some of my group chats that I would be “stuck” on a weekend cruise with a 987FM radio host and media celebrity. I recall telling them that Sonia was very attractive, much smaller in real life, and she had a smashing sense of humour.
There were also all these coincidences, like how our birthdays are just one day apart and both our mothers have the same name. I didn’t say much else since I was just getting to know her but I was definitely intrigued.

GS: What’s a small daily ritual you both share that you’d never want to give up?
SC: We talk on the phone every day despite our busy schedules. Well, it’s more like me yapping and him listening (I’m not sure how much he’s absorbing) but it still counts!
JS: There are two things for me. One is exchanging a gesture of affection whenever we meet up or say goodbye. This could be just a simple hug and a peck on the cheek. The second is how we say “good morning” and “good night” whether we are physically together or apart. I feel like these are small but important rituals that form a foundation of how we start and end the day, and how we treat each other with kindness and love.
GS: What’s the most thoughtful thing your partner has done for you?
SC: While we both enjoy socialising with our friends and going out, sometimes I’ll end up partying a little later than him. He grew to accommodate this extroverted side of me, and a core memory I will always have is coming back late at night to a little lamp, a big cup of water and a note that read ‘Water for my love’. It was a small but super sweet gesture that I will never forget.
JS: These are so many things she has done for me that it is hard to recount a single one, but there were several times when I was really ill and bedridden, Sonia looked after me and nursed me back to health by cooking and staying by my side even though I was immobilised. But she also does many thoughtful things in a day too, like leave little notes in the house for me to find randomly.

GS: What’s something you’ve always wanted to try together but haven’t yet?
SC: I’ve always wanted to get involved in a volunteer mission trip overseas together—something different and fulfilling. We’ve been fortunate enough to have travelled quite a bit together.
JS: Doing a sabbatical or a short stay in an European countryside town where we experience the local lifestyle. We also both like driving, so a road trip would also be another cool thing to do together.
GS: What’s something you’ve done together that you never expected to enjoy as much as you did?
SC: Honestly, living together. You see, I’m an only child and I sometimes struggle with sharing anything, whether it’s space, groceries, real estate in the bathroom or the bed… The list could go on. I’m glad we tested the waters out before we got engaged!
JS: I did not expect to enjoy her banter and daily company so easily. During Covid-19, we stayed together and it felt pretty seamless. I really enjoyed her company, cooking together, exercising together, sharing laughs and of course, household chores. I think during that period, we really grew together as a couple. I still remember how she cut my hair too. I am lucky to still have both ears today.
GS: What’s a small quirk or habit your partner has that you secretly find adorable?
SC: He can make any meal look delicious. Although he’s very healthy and eats pretty clean, it’s the way he eats. The focus, concentration and intense chomping, followed by absolutely cleaning the plate out just makes me want to have whatever he’s having, even if it’s a bowl of kale.
JS: She talks to herself while watching TV or movies, whether she is alone or with someone. I’ve wondered to myself many times, who is this crazy girl talking to? It’s not a one time comment or statement, but it occurs throughout the show. It is really funny and entertaining to observe her from afar. She makes me laugh!
GS: What’s your go-to activity for a cosy date night?
SC: Hands down, it’s gotta be local hawker delights and wine picnic by the beach—which coincidentally turned out to be how he proposed!
JS: We love our food, so it could be an order-in of local delights, or a home cooked meal by either of us. We typically like to pair that with some wine and a funny movie to enjoy into the night.

GS: How do you celebrate each other’s little wins?
SC: I love writing notes and getting him little gifts. His love languages are quality time and words of affirmation, so we just cook one of our favourite meals and talk for hours to celebrate our wins, and talk about the future.
JS: I like to take her out to celebrate achievements and milestones with a nice meal. I am really proud of her and where I can, I try to encourage and support her on social media since a lot of her work depends on that. I also express gratitude to God as well for these wins in my morning ritual.
GS: What’s something your partner has taught you about yourself?
SC: He’s taught me that I am definitely the messier one between the two of us. I’ve learned a lot from him about being consistent in life and adopted many good habits just by being around him. He’s taught me that I have the ability to achieve whatever I want, especially with his love and support.
JS: I have learnt to be more adaptable, more go-with-the-flow and to live in the moment. It is usually hard for me, as someone who wants to plan everything, but I get that not everything in life can and should be planned. I believe this relationship is a good pairing, and the sum of us makes us better together than being individuals on our own.
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