This Valentine’s Day, GRAZIA Singapore speaks to three couples in Singapore to discover what happy ever after looks like in a modern relationship. Ahead, we speak to engineer-turned-chef Lennard Yeong and lawyer Ann Louise Yeong on how their nightly dinners together have become a sacred time for them to deepen their bond.
GRAZIA Singapore (GS): How did you both first meet?
Lennard Yeong (LY): We actually met on a dating app—Bumble!
GS: What’s something your partner said or did during your first meeting that you still remember?
LY: She didn’t say it in person but I remember her first words to me on Bumble were to ask for the music I was listening to. I thought it was such a good conversation starter where things are still lighthearted but still such a nice way to get to know someone and their music tastes.
Ann Louise Yeong (ALY): He almost chopped off his finger while cutting a massive ice block for our cocktails! Thankfully, it was just a minor cut—but definitely a memorable (and slightly dramatic) start!
GS: If you hadn’t met the way you did, where else do you think your paths might have crossed?
LY: Mmm, we live quite different lives—I’m working in food and content creation and Ann is a corporate lawyer, so maybe our paths might’ve never crossed, but that’s the beauty of life I guess. It’s all these fleeting moments and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that end up defining our lives.
ALY: Our industries are so different that it’s hard to say if our paths would’ve naturally crossed at all. Timing was everything and I’m forever grateful for how it all aligned perfectly to bring us together (as cheesy as that sounds).
GS: Did you tell anyone about your partner after that first meeting? What did you say?
ALY: Yes, I told my close friends and my sister. I was pretty excited—and not just because he made me pizza, though that certainly earned him bonus points!

GS: What’s something you’ve always wanted to try together but haven’t yet?
LY: I’ve discovered some new things I’ve come to really enjoy through Ann, like skiing and traveling to Paris, which is her favourite city. It would be nice to try something completely new for the both of us. Maybe we will go diving together someday, but it might take a while to convince her.
ALY: We would love to visit South America one day or a safari trip in South Africa!
GS: What’s something you’ve done together that you never expected to enjoy as much as you did?
LY: Right before I met Ann, I was really getting into creating videos. I would often shoot my videos in the day, come home and have dinner, then spend most of the night editing my videos. After moving in together, I realised that my schedule had to change. Ann usually unwinds and wants to watch a TV show after dinnertime, so I shifted my schedule around to accommodate that.
It sounds like a simple change but looking back at how I used to function, I realised I had a pretty unsustainable schedule. Now, having this rest period set aside has really helped me keep my energy up and momentum to keep doing what I’m doing. I look forward to our laze-in-bed nights a lot.
ALY: Perhaps photography, especially on our travels. It is such a fun way to explore new places, capture beautiful moments and memories and see things from a totally different perspective. Looking back at the photos always brings those special moments back to life.

What’s a small daily ritual you both share that you’d never want to give up?
LY: We don’t really have a fixed routine that we perform everyday. But since we both live quite independent lives where every day can and often does look quite different, I would say dinnertime is quite sacred for us. That’s when we reconvene and talk about what happened throughout the day, and that still helps us feel close to each other even if we are busy with our own schedules throughout the day.
ALY: I like when we cook together—well, Lennard does most of the cooking, and I do my best to help as a sous chef. It’s our time to catch up on each other’s day, and we always wind down afterward with a show we both enjoy. We’re actually both introverts and homebodies so that’s our favourite way to spend quality time together.
GS: What’s the most thoughtful thing your partner has done for you?
LY: Ann is really amazing at picking up on and filling in the areas I am weak in. Like with planning our wedding and more recently, our home renovation, Ann has really dedicated so much time and effort and energy into it, down to the little minute details. I’m more of a big picture person so I don’t think I would’ve had the time or patience to overlook things from start to finish.
ALY: During both our wedding and home renovation, he would honestly just let me choose whatever I wanted without hesitation. But because I can be indecisive, he was also always there to step in and help—he’s much more decisive. It’s one of the reasons we make a great team.

GS: What’s a small quirk or habit your partner has that you secretly find adorable?
LY: For some reason, Ann sometimes ends up sleeping face down on her pillow—I find it shocking that she can still breathe. I often take a photo for her on her phone and she’s also often horrified at her sleeping position when she sees it, but we both have a good laugh about it.
ALY: He actually likes to sing a lot, and he makes up words to sing songs about me and it never fails to make me laugh.
GS: What’s your go-to activity for a cosy date night?
LY & ALY: Cooking pasta then watching a show together after dinner!
GS: How do you celebrate each other’s little wins?
LY: In the last few years we’ve started to eat out less, and we don’t really drink alcohol at home if it is just the two of us. So going out for a meal or having a drink together does make it feel like a little celebration.
ALY: A nice dinner out and probably some champagne!
GS: What’s something your partner has taught you about yourself?
LY: That it’s never too late to try new things, you may grow to love them, or you may not, but you will never know unless you try.
ALY: Probabaly that I’m braver and more capable than I give myself credit for. He’s always there to push me and encourage me when I doubt myself.
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