It’s Giving Season! Model Sisters Karen And Kaci Beh On Showing Appreciation For Family—Not Only At The Holidays

Creative couples, collaborators and families—in every sense of the word—share how they strengthen personal connections and keep the spark alive

What have been the highlights and the most challenging moments of your relationship as sisters?

Karen Beh (KRB): A highlight as sisters is that we always have each other and are there for one another no matter what. Whenever I need advice or someone to confide in, I know that I’ll be able to rely on her. The challenging part is that it’s always double the trouble with us. We’ve always argued over clothes and accessories growing up or getting mad at one another over the pettiest things. I’m glad that we have moved past that.

Kaci Beh (KCB): The highlight of my relationship with my sister is when we did a bunch of stupid things together when we were younger—singing and dancing across the whole house thinking we were mini-celebrities or pushing each other into a pail of water when we lost a game of scissors paper stone. The most challenging moment would be in our teens, growing up and growing out of the rebellious age. I think we siblings were very tough to handle so kudos to my parents.

How do you complement one another? What have you learned from one another?

KRB: Although we are complete opposites, from our outlooks to appearances, I do think we complement each other very well. Kaci has always been a role model for me, not just in the fashion industry but also in life. One of the characteristics I’ve adopted from her would be to be more spontaneous. Impulsiveness isn’t always a bad thing.

KCB: We are literally yin-yang from appearance to personality and I think that is what makes us complement each other. As someone who is super rash and hot-headed, I have practised how she patiently handles things with a cool head instead of rashly doing so. I now settle things when I am calmer instead of making the wrong decisions.

Is there anything you’re planning to do differently this year compared to past years, for yourself and for one another, and why?

KRB: Moving forward, I would love to spend more time with my loved ones. With hectic schedules and less time spent at home, I don’t often spend much quality time with my family. It’s definitely been a struggle but I’m definitely working towards that.

KCB: I think this year or rather next year since this one is coming to an end, I would love to spend more time with my sister like going for brunch, shopping or doing more wholesome activities together instead of our once a month catch up.

What are your gift-giving strategies?

KRB: I enjoy getting gifts for others, be it a special occasion or not. I’m definitely a practical gift kind of person. My favourite part of gift giving is watching the recipient’s reaction upon opening the present.

KCB: I don’t really do gifts, but I will treat her and my family to meals. That is my indirect way of saying “Please eat well” and “You will always be my little sister.”

What is your favourite memory together?

KRB: My favourite memory of my sister and I together would definitely be us trying to whip up a full-course breakfast for our parent’s anniversary many years back. I remember us getting the ingredients the day before and preparing, waking up bright and early to cook before our parents woke up and surprising them. Our parents loved it and it was a major success. We definitely made a good team.

KCB: My best memory would be opening a tent in the house and acting like we were on a campsite. We “made” our own meals using toy food and played so much that we eventually fell asleep on the cold hard ground in the tent. That is how much fun we had that we were able to sleep in such an uncomfortable spot. 

How do you show appreciation for each other?

KRB: We are both definitely not super affectionate people, however, we do show our appreciation for each other in the little ways. Whether making time for each other or dropping a text to check up on each other, we are always there for one another. Kaci has been a very inspiring figure in my life and I always wish the best for her.

KCB: I do not really buy her gifts, or say words of affirmation but I know we are deeply connected in our minds and hearts. I do not have to tell her for her to know that, but I love you, Karen.

Photography JAYA KHIDIR
Art direction MARISA XIN