If 2024 were a fragrance, it might just be called “In Flux”. There’s change and ambiguity, shifts and spontaneity framing both our day to day experience and our broader perspective. For people with a lot of mutable energy (think: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces rising), the shifts will be especially noticeable. Staying fluid, flexible and open to serendipity is key.
Big endings and new beginnings are also a major influence as the Aries/Libra eclipses wrap up (early October). Embodying a spirit of adventure, courage and independence is the takeout here; as we’re delivered lesson after lesson around balancing our desire to be liked with our need for self-preservation.
On the whole, 2024 looks like a somewhat easier time than years gone by. Not to say that it will be dull (definitely not!), but with a sense of humour, an open heart and a willingness to reinvent yourself, there is fun to be had.
Remember to always read for your rising sign, rather than your sun sign to get the most accurate read. Cast your chart at theastrologyofyou.com to learn your sign.
Want to learn more? Check out my book The Astrology Of You: Finding Love, Creativity and Soul Purpose In Your Birth Chart ($24.95, Hardie Grant) or find me on Instagram at @emma_vee
Your most interesting moments come around the eclipses this year (April and October), as a major storyline around your sense of self, agency and how you, do you, reaches a crescendo. It’s the sort of astro weather that signals a major glow-up or wellbeing overhaul resulting in the six-pack you never knew you wanted.
The excitement coincides with a major upgrade in your most intimate relationships. This isn’t just about romantic partners (although that’s definitely a possibility), but also your closest friends. They may experience big endings in their own lives, or you could find yourself looking for a fresh start. Whatever the case, trust that anything that seems to be reaching a conclusion is most definitely intended to be coming to a close.
MONTH TO WATCH: October, especially the eclipse (3 October AEST; 2 October GMT) which marks the final instalment in your big “we vs me” story.
Consider 2024 your moment to exhale, as the astro weather the hectic astro weather that’s been pushing you to the limit, gradually subsides. With the focus now shifting to your health and wellbeing, getting serious about movement should form the basis of any new year’s resolutions. If you’ve got a cheeky little habit (vaping, shopping, prosecco), this is a great year to really knuckle and quit, for good. With Jupiter completing its strut through your home sign (until May), the first five months of the year are your best moments for launching, leaping or relocating.
MONTH TO WATCH: April is coming in HOT when Jupiter meets up with Uranus and challenges you to take the plunge and do something totally, utterly out of your comfort zone. The 7th through til the 13 May is your rosiest window of the year to ask for more, aim for more and more than likely, achieve more than ever.
Brace yourself because 2024 looks major for Gemini folks. Your biggest news? A potent confidence boost once Jupiter – the planet signifying abundance, optimism and expansion –moves onto your home turf (from 26 May AEST; 25 May GMT, onwards). This is a once-in-every-12-year event that means you’ll be feeling more confident, adventurous and optimistic about life than usual – the perfect astro weather to take a leap into the unknown. In August, a momentary setback could cause a bit of a wobble, but don’t let that put you off; the speed bump will afford you a chance to refine your plans and get really clear on your vision.
MONTH TO WATCH: June, when the first few weeks look especially peppy. Celebrate by getting out of your normal routine and taking off for the weekend (or longer if you can).
It’s all about balance for you this year, as the tug-of-war between home and family commitments and career ambitions continue. It won’t come as news to you, the push/pull has been especially pertinent since April of 2023, but this year, the storylines that have been developing reach a conclusion (by early October). Your challenge will be learning to put your own wants and needs first, and releasing yourself from the expectation of family members, especially parents. That’s no small feat for a crab, but an important lesson to master.
MONTH TO WATCH: April, when Jupiter and Uranus inspire you to do something fun, spontaneous and out of the box. A getaway with friends is the perfect way to capitalise on the energy, especially after 7 April.
There’s a certain sparkle to all things career related the first half of the year as Jupiter wraps up its time in your professional sector. Before the season concludes (26 May), you’re dealt one final bolt of serendipity – especially between 7 April and 13 May. This is the moment to apply for that long-shot job, reach out to your dream mentor or accept an offer to transfer interstate or OS. With the eclipses done in that part of your chart, you’re free to take a leap and feel a more confident you’ll make a graceful landing (and not a faceplant).
MONTH TO WATCH: December looks especially interesting for Leo folks when Mars goes retrograde (from 7 December to 24 February 2025) in your home sign. This is an excellent time to take a break and reserve your energy stores – powering through is not an option. Listen to your body and give yourself permission to rest.
Renovations, extensions, new neighbourhoods – they’re all within reach this year (from 26 May AEST; 25 May GMT onwards) as Jupiter encourages you to broaden your horizons and go LARGE at home. As exciting as it may be, it’s a 12-month transit, so try to pace yourself and plan your course of action rather than starting everything all at once (and finishing nothing – a very real danger under this weather). Meanwhile a new eclipse cycle kicks off in September (18th AEST and GMT) signifying major beginnings and endings. Hold on tight, things are about to get very interesting!
MONTH TO WATCH: June looks good for Virgos as both the Sun and Jupiter bring sweetness and light to your professional sphere. Ask for a pay rise or put your hand up to manage that project; your people-wrangling power will be at an all-time high.
There’s light at the end of the tunnel! 2024 marks the final chapter in an 18-month cycle that’s been “interesting” to say the least. It’s an intense time that began around April 2023 and will wrap up by early October where you’ve been challenged to let go of some seriously outdated emotional baggage. That’s good news if you’ve been feeling drained or just generally wobbly about making your way in the world. If you’re in doubt about what to do ask yourself, “What would I do in this situation if I was free from the pressure of other people’s expectations of me?” Whatever the answer, it’s likely be your next best step.
MONTH TO WATCH: October, the finish line you’ll be sprinting for all year. Celebrate the end of an intense cycle by taking yourself off somewhere fabulous to recuperate.
After literally years of intensity, things looks decidedly less gruelling for Scorpios in 2024. That’s good news… although the lack of drama may come as a shock to the system. The first few months of the year looks especially juicy with Jupiter wrapping up its time in your relationship sphere. Before it departs, an extra playful stretch of serendipity promises out-of-the-blue opportunities and experiences. It’s the sort of weather where you could meet the love of your life after switching seats on a long-haul flight. Don’t let that famous Scorpio cynicism dampen your vision of the future, good things happen every day.
MONTH TO WATCH: April, when Jupiter and Uranus join forces to bring your love life – or your main squeeze – a too-good-to-refuse opportunity. If in doubt, just say yes!
With your ruling planet (Jupiter) blazing through your relationship sector for the second part of 2024 (where it will be until mid 2025), there’s a certain je ne sais quoi about the year. Chattier, flirtier and more social than you’ve felt in literally years, prepare for all the “I think I can!” energy to come your way. That’s good news if you’ve been feeling unseasonably flat of late– entirely possible in 2023 (blame the eclipses). It’s a welcome shift, but the flip side to all this inspiration and curiosity is that you could feel a little more scattered than usual. Whatever activities keep you grounded could be a good addition to your daily routine.
MONTH TO WATCH: June, when Gemini season has you feeling a whole lot of love. Do something spontaneous, adventurous or generous (or all three) for someone you love.
Your biggest moment doesn’t come until November, when Pluto – the planet that rules power dynamics, fear and shadow work – leaves your home sign for the final time this century. That is MAJOR news that could equate to a feeling of catharsis and rebirth, like a caterpillar busting out of a chrysalis and becoming a butterfly. Big stuff! But November is months away, so until that time, you can busy yourself with big endings and exciting new starts around work and home. With the north node shaking things up in your domestic sphere, there’s change afoot around where you’re living. By October, the dust should settle – but in the meantime, try to roll with the punches and remember whatever ends is making space for something new.
MONTH TO WATCH: October when things wrap up around an adventure around your career. It’s a time to celebrate all you’ve accomplished, and be excited for what’s to come.
Aquarian loves, prepare to lighten up! Optimism, fun and a splash of adventure bring a noticeably more playful vibe for you in 2024, especially in the back half of the year. That’s good news if you’re single (you’ll be spoilt for choice should you fancy a fling), and also excellent news if you’re thinking about adding to your brood. In November, a big astro moment signals big changes as Pluto, the planet ruling power, control, secrets and truth moves into your home sign. Don’t be surprised if you feel the thump – metaphorically speaking – when it happens (20 November AEST; 19 November GMT).
MONTH TO WATCH: April, when a window of good fortune and spontaneity light up your domestic sphere. If you’ve been house hunting – and struggling to find something – this could be your moment to get lucky.
The soul-searching continues in 2024 as you’re asked to reassess and refine what really matters. It’s serious work but with your ruling planet changing signs mid-year (from 26 May AEST; 25 May GMT) you’re delivered a break in the weather, as a lightness and camaraderie – especially with family or flatmates – helps you find your way. In September, the eclipse (18 September, AEST and GMT) kicks off an 18-month cycle shaking up your closest relationships. Wait and watch what opportunities arise, and stay curious about what doors close on their own; you’re poised for a big upgrade.
MONTH TO WATCH: June, when escaping the grind with family or people who you feel like home with will have you feeling all the gratitude.
This article originally appeared on GRAZIA International