Bright Young Things: Heidi Luah

Meet the Internet It-girl with her pulse on the latest fashion and beauty trends
GRAZIA Singapore Bright Young Things: Heidi Luah (@friendliestflower) wears BALENCIAGA hoodie, leggings, sneakers.
Heidi Luah wears BALENCIAGA hoodie, leggings, sneakers.

Singapore’s got talent in droves and this brilliant new wave of creatives prove it. Meet the artists, actresses, designers, bakers, and social media stars that are fearlessly carving out a path of their own—even with everyone else watching. Trust us when we say they’re the ones to have on your radar right now. Case in point: Heidi Luah, who goes by @friendliestflower on Instagram, is a content creator with her finger on the pulse of fashion and beauty trends. Her bold looks aside, Luah is also a riot—just watch any of her viral videos. Below, get to know the Internet It-girl.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

Heidi Luah (HL): Creative, evolving and unserious.

How did you find your niche?

HL: It went first by interest, then by strength! My niche right now is being rather aesthetically pleasing while having a sort of creative and funny persona online. I constantly try to work and improve on those things! I love to crack jokes, and in one way or another you would see me trying to improve my fitness and style. To be honest, I’m not ready to box myself into one niche just yet on the ever evolving Internet, and I know it will slowly change along the way as I gather more life experience!

Do you respond to trends or do your own thing?

HL: Honestly, some trends are really fun, especially the makeup trends I see coming from Vietnamese and Chinese beauty girls. A part of me gets inspired by them! But I’m not the type to fully receive and embody a trend fast; I’m rather selective and slow on the uptake. If I see a video with a trend that I can replicate on my facial features, I would be tempted to try it.

What is your idea of cool?

HL: Not taking yourself that seriously. I admire successful people who do not scream about their success online. You could be going to fantastic galas, but you are posting things like behind the scenes and personal moments. I know social media is all curated, but the image they are portraying is like, they don’t care if you know that’s cool. Also, really goofy and funny people. You do not have to dress up and be all that, but it’s really attractive and cool.

How do you stay creative and keep evolving?

HL: I need to keep consuming… I consume shows, art, loads of media just to keep my brain in the game. I studied advertising in school and that training also frames a little of what I do today. My dudes, the Internet is really tough, okay? I haven’t grasped the algorithm changes for various platforms and also the changing world climate. I’m just a girl . I do give credit to my amazing brain and intrusive thoughts that feed me with constant jokes / caption ideas. Also, makeup skills and a wardrobe that I need to keep curating.

GRAZIA Singapore Bright Young Things: Heidi Luah (@friendliestflower)
Heidi Luah (@friendliestflower on Instagram)

How do you deal with competition?

HL: Find your niche! And be confident of what you are putting into the world. There are always people vying for the same slice of the pie, but you are you and they are them. Also, I don’t really feel the competitive spirit because the people I have met are all quite helpful and willing to drop advice and network with you. There is always business to be made and I think people work better when partnered up in this line of work, to be honest.

Does being publicly visible motivate you or scare you?

HL: It scares me… I like being perceived by the masses in a way that I have curated and tried and tested. But it is not always the case when I go about my day. I take the MRT and go downstairs to buy food in like, not the best attire (sis is tired) so sometimes I’m glad that I don’t get recognised. Getting recognised is nice too, though. I love attention. When someone approaches me, I always wonder what part of my content they have consumed. Was it 2022 me or recent me? I would never know. I just wonder.

How do you handle criticism?

HL: I would try and work on it. I always think people tolerate you until they cannot, and then they voice it out. Hence, when they are already vocal about it, I know it is something [pressing] that I need to improve on.

What are some new things that you’ve been trying out?

HL: Well, I have just graduated and I have more time to spare, so I have started hiking. I try to push myself to walk until my feet cry. The longest walk I’ve been on is 18 km. I hope to go for another session soon!

What excites you?

HL: New adventures! The snow-capped mountains, rocks and rivers and really big grasslands!! I want to go sightseeing around the planet and pet animals. That’s what excites me.

What is a motto that you live by?

HL: Just try your best, so you don’t regret anything. But also, think a lot before you do something so it’s not a dumb decision.


This story first appeared in the August 2024 issue of GRAZIA Singapore.


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