Lou PeiXin On Anti-Perfection, Self Assurance, and Radiating Purpose

"We were each made with a purpose that no one else can take away, so I’d start with that and everything else will radiate outwards from there."
Lou PeiXin On Anti-Perfection, Self Assurance, and Radiating Purpose
Lou Peixin, the charming chanteuse also known as Miss Lou (@hellomisslou) muses that true beauty comes from realising a purpose that is uniquely and truly yours. Photo Credit: Lou Peixin

I started performing as a young child for school shows, and I would always enjoy it when my mother would put blusher on my cheeks and use a colour-changing lipstick that turned my lips red. Beauty was always associated with special occasions and happy memories because my mother never wore much makeup on a regular basis.

When I started interacting more with students and industry workshop goers, I felt that I owed them and my younger self a responsibility to lead by example and stop comparing myself with others.

An anti-perfection antidote that I’ve concocted for myself is something like this: intentionally share more vulnerable moments; not using any feature-altering filters; taking care of my health by loving my body instead of trying to fit it into a mould; and investing more time in building relationships with others so I stop making myself the sole focus of my own life.

Assurance of who I am, and knowing my purpose on this earth have been fundamental in discovering my true beauty. We were each made with a purpose that no one else can take away, so I’d start with that and everything else will radiate outwards from there.

Below, Lou Peixin shares her beauty inspirations.