Could The Missing Piece In Your Wellness Journey Be An Astrologer?

You may have a personal trainer, life coach, nutritionist, and therapist on your personal board of well-being advisors—but maybe it’s time to add an astrologer to that list
Artwork by Kimberlee Kessler

For years, Shubhra Vennetti struggled with shallow breathing, even for simple tasks like climbing stairs. She attributes this to her astrological chart, which is dominated heavily by water, earth and fire signs. “Because the planets in my astrological chart aren’t in any of the air signs, I was told my breathing would be shallower,” explains the astrologist and Akashic records reader. “This resonated because when I would play sports in school, I always felt breathless compared to my friends. In order to improve the air element in my chart, I needed to improve my breath control, so I turned to singing.”

The decision had a cascading impact on her entire well-being: “Once I started releasing my voice, it felt cathartic. My breathing improved, but also, my stomach calmed down, and my food tolerances reduced significantly.”   

Shubhra is part of a growing number of individuals who believe that their astrological charts are indicative of their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

Google Trends shows a steady increase in search queries for the word “astrology” over the past five years in Singapore, while a 2022 YouGov poll found that one in four Americans believe in astrology. According to Allied Market Research, the astrology market size was valued at $12.8 billion in 2021, with predictions (pun intended) to reach $22.8 billion by 2031. 

One of the main catalysts for this trend is our increased focus on personalised well-being. Says Shubhra, “Your astrological birth chart is essentially your karmic blueprint. It encompasses your physical as well as your mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It’s a map that gives ideas and clues on how your physical body is going to be manifested.”

GIORGIO ARMANI shirt, bandeau top, long skirt, trousers; NICOLO’ BERETTA sandals. Photo:
Fouad Tadros

The link between our bodies and the planets

Astrologers posit a connection between celestial bodies and the human body. For example, the Sun, representing vitality and life force, is associated with the heart. Mercury governs communication and intellect, mirroring the brain’s functions. Each zodiac sign also corresponds to specific body regions: Gemini rules the arms and shoulders, while Cancer governs the chest and rib cage.

Your astrological chart—based on your exact date, time and location of birth—will reveal the planets and constellations that will have the greatest impact on your well-being. Astrologers focus on four parts of the chart: your rising sign, the position of your inner planets, your health house (the sixth house of your chart), and the angles at which your predominant signs sit at.

What astrologers are looking for are traits, habits and patterns that can have an impact on your well-being. For instance, an individual with the four fixed signs, namely Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, at 90-degree angles would be very dependable and patient, but they could also have a tendency to be inflexible.

Shubhra explains, “If this person has a lot of energy that’s not moving, then depending on how the other planets are working, I might encourage them to have more fluids to encourage blood flow, or do more stretches to increase flexibility.”

GIORGIO ARMANI bandeau top, skirt, trousers (worn underneath); INEDEN necklace. Photo:
Fouad Tadros

A personalised solution 

Treat the patient and not the disease is a common medical dictum. And it’s in line with the growing acknowledgment that well-being needs to be tailored to the individual. Hence the increasing popularity of wearables such as Whoops and Ouras, which give you real-time data to help you make better decisions about your lifestyle, diet and more. 

According to the recent McKinsey report about the Future of Wellness, there is a growing interest in personalised products and services: “Approximately 20 percent of consumers in the UK and US and 30 percent in China look for personalised products and services.”

So what can be more personalised than your birth chart? “What you do on a day-to-day basis is going to physically affect your overall habits and therefore your health,” explains Shubhra.

For instance, if Mars, the planet of action and drive, is prominent in your chart, you might be prone to impulsiveness or bursts of energy. An astrologer could suggest practices like mindfulness or yoga to cultivate balance and grounding. Conversely, if Saturn, the planet of discipline and structure, is influential, you might naturally gravitate toward routines and order. Recognising this, you can consciously incorporate flexibility and spontaneity into your life to prevent rigidity.

The goal is to live aligned with what we’re meant to be. “The point is to form habits and patterns that are unique to you and that make you feel like you’re living your best life possible so you can feel great physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually,” says Shubhra. 

MISSONI dress; INEDEN choker. Photo: Fouad Tadros

Is it scientifically proven? 

The question of scientific validation for astrology is complex and often contentious. While astrology held a respected place in ancient societies, intertwined with medicine and mathematics, modern science largely views it with skepticism. Controlled studies attempting to link astrological predictions with measurable outcomes have generally yielded inconclusive results. However, this doesn’t entirely dismiss the potential value of astrology as a tool for self-understanding and well-being. 

Some proponents argue that its focus on patterns, cycles, and interconnectedness resonates with certain scientific principles, like the influence of celestial bodies on Earth’s tides or the cyclical nature of biological processes. Some, like integrative physician Dr Stephanie Marango, believe that science simply hasn’t caught up with spirituality, in the same way that microorganisms and UV rays existed before we could name them. 

Moreover, practices like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, which incorporate astrological principles, have garnered growing interest for their holistic approach to health. Dr Sharika Menon is an Ayurvedic doctor based in India and uses the principles of astrology to help her better diagnose her patients: “I focus on holistic healing, using pulse reading for diagnosis, and I’m also learning astrology. Sometimes, medical treatment alone isn’t enough, so I advise on nutrition, lifestyle, or suggest an astrology consultation to aid healing. 

Shubhra notes, “There’s increasing scientific research into spiritual practices, demonstrating their physiological effects. Astrology, similarly, offers a map for personal balance. It’s about understanding your unique blueprint and living in alignment with it.”

This story first appeared in GRAZIA Singapore’s October print issue.